Together Let’s Build Better Conferences

Agenda Planning
Have You Considered Delegate Fatigue? Delegate fatigue, also know as conference fatigue, is when a delegate can't consume all of the information presented to them in conference.
How Long Are The Keynotes Planned To Be? We find keynotes are more impact in shorter increments. We suggest 30 - 45 minute keynotes.
Intervention & Team Thinking
Is A keynote Enough To Deliver The Business Value Alone? Interventions & Team Thinking exercises are powerful when paired with a keynote. they are interactive & change the pace of the conference.
MC, Program Directors & Facilitators
There Is A Golden Thread To Each Conference, How Is It To Be Sewen Into The Conference Agenda? MC's are more than to just announce housekeeping rules & introduce new speakers. They are used as a tool to manage the energy in the room, while facilitating & keeping track of time. MC's can also play host to Conference TV & panel discussions.
Immersive Conferencing
Looking At A Fresh New Approach To Content Delivery & Storytelling? Words have power. How our speakers use this power allows us to step into their stories. Through the power of technology we can take guests on a more powerful journey that they are 'Immersed' in, enhancing the story & content.
Conference TV
Have You Thought About How You Plan To Revisit Any points Or Key Moments In Your Conference? Conference TV can be used to capture & later packaged to be conveniently distributed conference delegates. It's a great tool to summarise keynotes and the core message of the event for review later, or to prime delegates for the next event.
How Are You Planning On Solidifying The Message In The Months To Come? Masterclasses are aimed at unpacking the keynote delivered in conference, the masterclass will be centered around the core goals of the conference.
Tool Kits
How Do We Condense Masterclasses Into Easy To Digest Lessons? Tool kits are a great way to ensure that the lessons learned in conference are instilled using snippets of Conference TV & small snippets of the keynote or masterclass in order to re-affirm the learning previously in actionable lessons. Aimed at repeating the core message with the aim of the conference messages longevity.
How Do We Build On This? At the end of the process, we aim to unpack & discuss what worked, what didn't work, what we should keep doing & what we should change. This way the next conference will be better.