Unthink Performance Management
Unthink Performance Management In his book Unthink, Chris Paley makes the following statement: “We re-use tools that are lying around in the brain, rather than invent new ones.” This got me [...]
Fall of the prima donna: The role of the new Speaker Professional
Probably the best time to have been a professional speaker was in the 1990s. Those that had made a name for themselves on the speaker circuit were paid very well to speak. They showed up 15 [...]
From gig work to bounty work – Enter the new, new era of work
The nature of work is changing, again. The Baby Boomer generation enjoyed secure, salaried work, with a golden handshake and a company-sponsored pension to look forward to at retirement. The [...]
South Africa’s Critical Year Ahead
South Africa’s Critical Year Ahead By Daniel Silke South Africa confronts yet another crucial political year. But there really is a double-whammy at play. Not only is this an election year in [...]
Every villain needs a hero
There are monsters in the world. They walk around and not only in the movies and storybooks. Just look at the werewolves around you at the office. They seem just like ordinary, exceptionally [...]
Execution starts with focus
I have terminal brain cancer. I have also completed four ironman races with the cancer in my head. Execution starts with focus. What you focus on becomes your reality. Anything is possible. I [...]
Nuggets for a Winning Business in Africa: Understanding the Territory
The Africa Conundrum Africa, as a continent, is in flux – finding itself at the intersection of historical impediments and a future of great potential, at this crossroad in time. It is a [...]
Fearlessly authentic leadership
The seven deadly leadership sins are all based on fear. For example, arrogance and pride is a direct result of a fear of inadequacy and a lack of legitimacy. It is compensating at its best. Greed [...]