International thought leader on Marketing and Customer Experience
Keynote | Global
One of the most in-demand Marketing and Customer ExperienceKeynote Speakers in the world today, David Avrin, CSP is known as The Visibility Coach. With a surprisingly irreverent and entertaining style, David delivers a profoundly insightful and hard-hitting message to business audience across North America and around the world.
His message and timely lessons on competitive advantage have been enthusiastically received by audiences in: Singapore, Bangkok, Antwerp, Buenos Aires, Sri Lanka, Brisbane, Johannesburg, Manila, Bangalore, Rotterdam, Glasgow, Toronto, Monte Carlo, Melbourne, London, Aukland, Barcelona and Dubai.
In his entertaining and highly-actionable marketing presentations, David Avrin shows business owners and leaders, sales professionals, HR audiences and entrepreneurs how to do a deep-dive to ferret-out, recognize, craft and promote a truly unique and marketable competitive advantage. Always among the highest-rated presenters at every conference, David Avrin will make you a hero for bringing him in to speak at your conference, meeting or event.
A former CEO group leader and marketing firm owner, David’s business and marketing insights have been featured on hundreds of broadcast media outlets and thousands of online and print publications around the world. The author of three books including the acclaimed: It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows YOU! (©John Wiley & Sons), David’s newest book: Impossible to Ignore is available worldwide.
A celebrated and energetic keynote speaker, David Avrin has presented to enthusiastic audiences of: CEOs, business owners, associations, entrepreneurs, leadership teams, sales professionals, account executives, human resources and more.