Disruption Out of a Box: How I Turned a Shoebox into $12Million!

 Keynote | Global 

Mr. Herman, founder of IPA Equities, is a serial entrepreneur and advocate for disruptive and innovative blockchain technologies. He has owned and created more than 50 businesses, architected, incubated and successfully scaled more than 10 startups, raised over $500 Million, represented more than 200 technology companies and been involved in more than $2 Billion of transactions.

Mr. Herman is a leading authority on business growth and a public speaker who is sought out globally for his powerful and authentically unique keynote speeches. Every time he takes the stage, his intention above all is to deliver a meaningful and memorable experience for all. He delivers from the heart, as he shares personal and relatable experiences of challenges, tragedies and triumphs providing insight, wisdom, and hope. Each speech is story-based, inspirational, motivational and includes valuable takeaways. Therefore, the audience is always enthralled, educated, enriched and entertained.

“Thanks for speaking to our accredited investors, VCs, PE firms, angels, and strategic investors, perfect!” – Zahava Stroud, Producer, Angel Launch

“Bottom line … improved performance and results is why we have him speak.”Rocco Pirrotta, Senior Vice President, Citibank

“Can’t thank you enough for your presentation and for moderating the blockchain panel discussion.”Christiana Ko, Event Planner, Pepperdine Law School

  • Disruption Out of a Box: How I Turned a Shoebox into $12 Million!
  • How to Raise Debt & Equity
  • The Renaissance of Leadership
  • High Level Networking for Strategic Partnerships& Capital
  • Blockchain: The Genesis, Implications, and the Future Thru Mass Adoption
  • Why & How to Create Strategic Partnerships
  • Investing in Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency
  • Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and the Future of Digital Currency Law
  • How to Raise Investment Capital from Seed to Advanced Series
  • The Greatest Network in Existence
  • Disruptive Blockchain Technology: Identity Management and Verification
  • Understanding Blockchain: Work Force Disruption Ahead!
  • Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency for Newbies
  • How blockchain is strengthening partnerships and providing a strategic advantage

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