Lynn Baker

The Driving Authority on Customer experience

MC | Keynote | Learning & Development | Executive Training Director | Global

In 2018 Lynn was recognised as one of the ‘8 Inspiring Women Customer Experience Officers’ in the world and 2020 one of the ‘Top 12 Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa’. She was also a founding Board Member of ‘Customer Experience Professionals Association of South Africa. Professional, focused and results driven, Lynn is passionate about inspiring employees to deliver on brand promises. As a result of this, she designed the highly successful ‘The Customer Journey Game’ – an interactive business board game that drives employee engagement in building a customer-centric culture in organisations. With an innovative design, the game board replicates the stages of a customer journey, as well as the many touch points along the way. ​The game enhances understanding of the end-to-end customer journey by emphasising how each engagement can either positively or negatively impact an entire experience.  The game enables employees to realize their impact on customer experiences and consider how they can  contribute to a smooth customer experience in the future. The Customer Journey Game can be played at company conferences, corporate events, meetings and training sessions. The game facilitated by Lynn Baker lasts 2 hours and includes a 30 minute introduction presentation entitled ‘Moving Beyond Service to Drive Customer Experience’, the interactive game for 1 hour and thereafter, a 30 minute feedback session. Booking Lynn Baker to facilitate The Customer Journey Game includes the hire of 12 x game boxes, each box allows for up to 8 players in a team, therefore 12 x boxes will accommodate a total of 96 players. The game has been played with up to 250 players in a room, so if you have a larger group, please speak to your Unique Speaker Bureau representative.

“Lynn grabbed the opportunity and clearly landed the CX message we needed to hear. We were very grateful for the research she had done into our  industry and the insights shared. Lynn’s presentation was on point and culminated in much debate and food for thought for the duration of our strategy session.” – Claire Anderssen; Marketing Manager: Brand and Events, Nedbank Insurance, Nedbank Group.


  • The Key to Competitive Differentiation
  • Beyond Customer Service to Driving Customer Experience
  • Beyond Management to Leadership
  • The Polished


  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Speaking of Speaking
  • CX Game


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