Thank you for joining us at the first of our final mastermind session.

We want to thank each and every speaker, attendee and member o the USB team for their contribution.

Below are some of our learnings;

  • The optimal event duration is between 60 & 90 minutes long.
  • The desired virtual presentation is between 15 & 20 minutes long.
  • The recommended amount of slides per presentation is 5 – 10 slides.

Over and above these learnings we reflect on the use of the chat function, the use of external platforms like Mentimeter. In combination, these platforms and techniques drove engagement levels high and this equated to a lower attrition rate throughout the session.

We also saw the need for a proficient facilitator and a precise producer. The facilitator held the event together while making sure that the event ran smoothly, with seamless transitions, and timeously as to respect the delegates time commitment. The producer allowed the speaker to focus on the presentation and provided technical assistance to the speaker in the form of sharing their slides.

The facilitator and producers core function was to execute the event based on the core brief based around a theme in order to meet attendees expectations. The facilitator is also tasked with facilitating the Q&A, where we believe the true magic lies, especially when co-creating and collaborating.

In conclusion, the events were a massive success, largely due to your attendance, commitment and input through the sessions. Thank you from all of us at USB.

Mastermind Session 3 Slides

Start here by downloading the slides in pdf;

Alex Leibner – The Future of The Events Industry

Mushambi Mutuma – Tech, Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Cameron Becker – Events During Lockdown & Beyond

Paul McConnon – Closing Summary

Question & Answer Session

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