Mind Power Mastery: Motivation to YOUR Success

MC | Keynote | Team Thinking | Facilitation | Masterclasses | International

Robin Banks is one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject of Mind Power and Personal Mastery. He is a highly sought after International Speaker and has spoken to CEO’s and Senior Management from global fortune 500 companies.

He has dedicated his life to the transformation of global consciousness and his ultimate desire is to empower people to take charge of their lives and create a brighter future for themselves and the community at large. He is a prolific speaker, presenter and facilitator and has an amazing ability to combine solid content with a humorous and dynamic presentation. People from all walks of life, from shelf packers to CEO’s have been transformed and inspired by Robin’s presentations.

“Robin Banks’ presentations of programs were highly effective in igniting the spirit, interest and ambition in a way that no formal training program could’ve done. His message touched people at all levels in the workplace lifting the mood and inspiring them to be the change they want to see in the organization.” Gugu Nyanda – GM Mintek.


  • Success is a Choice
  • Victim to Victor
  • Building Successful Relationships
  • Leadership in times of change


  • Life Transformer
  • Mind Power Master

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