Sid strikes the perfect balance between the art and science of strategy.


Sid strikes the perfect balance between the art and science of strategy. Most people go through life considering strategy to be an enigma – something mythical and to be avoided. Once you’ve heard Sid speak, you’ll realises that, that was such a waste of thought! His self-effacing humour and creative insights will forever clear the unnecessary brain fog, allowing you to embrace – and even enjoy – strategic ways of getting the results you want.

With his extensive industry experience – from chicken cutter to CEO, he connects with audiences – from the shop floor to the C-suite. His strategic consulting clients cover everything from SMME’s to Blue-Chip; Government to Civil Society. So you get an entertaining keynote backed up by years of experience.

Sid’s current focus is on social capital, with his keynote NetWork=NetWealth: How to build real wealth with social capital.

“Anyone can regurgitate content from books into presentations, but very few can create a spell-bounding narrative driven by their own experience while weaving solid researched-based practice into a presentation that will leave you with great insights while also occasionally rolling in the aisles. Sid is one of those speakers. Because he’s not a speaker. He’s an innovative strategist who speaks like a rockstar and consistently delivers insights out of left field. Book him – you will not regret it.“ – Erik Vermeulen, Behavioural Strategist & Adventurer, Ridgeline

“Great delivery by Sid Peimer this afternoon for our core team at Africa Reach Group on ‘Philosophy of Entrepreneurship’ which then also ran into some discussion on the concepts of Strength of Weak Ties (SWT) and Structural Holes. Please do yourself a favour and look up these concepts regardless of your industry and profession. Thank you, Sid.“ – Russell Mark Julius, MD, Africa Reach Group

“THANK YOU, your talk was brilliant! I found it refreshing, inspiring, insightful and we all learned a lot. A valuable session!” – Lisa Sandler, ORT Jet, Cape Town

“Sid, you always delivered a lot of surprises, way over and beyond brief. I don’t think any of our clients really understood who they were messing with – but they always got more than they paid for. Tons of value and Great memories thank you!” Tim Wright, Consultant Marketing Manager (BSO) , BDO South Africa

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