
Broadcaster, Writer and Entrepreneur

Keynote | Media Personality

‘In Math We Trust: The Future of Money’ is the title of Simon’s brand new book, and he says, “it is the future of everything!”

Money is the second most important societal invention after language and it underpins every part of our daily lives. Blockchain technology and the invention of triple-entry accounting is believed by many to be a more important invention than the internet itself, as it has the opportunity to usher in a new age of decentralised governance. Having worked first-hand with blockchain technologies since 2011, Simon Dingle explains in his talk In his presentation “What is money?”, what Bitcoin is and how it works, what smart contracts mean for business and society, and how this new invention could transform every part of our modern world. This presentation is one of his most sought-after.

In the other, “The Dynamics of Disruption”, Simon uses first-hand examples of the work he does with innovative businesses to reveal how the world’s most disruptive companies turn established markets on their ears. By using smartphones and running apps, he demonstrates real examples of the leading user experiences and how the new world is impacting you – and your clients. European taxi drivers protest against Uber and regulators want to ban Airbnb. Disruptive new companies are challenging the status quo and no industry is safe. In this talk Simon uses first-hand experience to expose the anatomy of disruptive business models and the level of innovation required to pull them off.

Simon hosts a weekly technology show on 5fm and regularly appears on local and international television and radio shows including Tech News Today and The Money Show. He recently featured in the Mail & Guardian’s Top 200 Young South Africans list.

Simon works with companies at the forefront of this movement and reveals what lies ahead.

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